Remove Debt of Mother in Pitru Paksh
A person gets fear and stress. Usually, person becomes victim of hyper tension and depression. People face ups-downs from youth. A person faces problem due to woman.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius people faces health issue due to maternal debt. They face superstition and depression problem. A person might become mania.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn people faces financial problem. A person may does suicide in anger or insistence. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius people faces problem in domestic life. A person does mistake in emotions and love. They get demotion due to woman. They also get defamation.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces people do not get happiness from children. They face problem due to children and they face many problem. They face problem in senility.
Take complete adornment on Matru navami. Take red color’s sari, vermillion, bindi and bangles. Prepare complete food. Keep urad products in food. Invite any blessed woman at home and feed her. Donate adornment to her and give blessings to her.
Good Luck Remedy: Worship of goddess Lakshmi on Friday is beneficial. It is beneficial to do money related work on this day.
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