Below is astrology effect on each zodiac sign of mars. Based on Moon Sign, we trying to explain mars effect on different zodiac sign.
Aries: Mangal is the owner this zodiac. Mangal normally does not get worse, but if it gets worse then heath becomes weak.
Taurus: Mangal is owner of marriage and marital life. If Mangal is weak then marital life gets worse. Violence comes in marital life.
Gemini: Mangal regulates income, debt and struggle. Weak Mangal creates struggle in person’s life. Also, the person gets money problem frequently.
Cancer: Mangal regulates child and career. Mangal is beneficial in this zodiac. However, it become weak then there are problems with child and nature.
Leo: Mangal gives stability, position and luck in life. Usually, Mangal is not weak in this zodiac. But if it becomes weak then luck does not support him.
Virgo: Mangal regulates health and age. Accident happens when Mangal gets worse. Sometime, the person takes suicidal step.
Libra: Mangal regulates marital life in this zodiac. If Mangal gets worse then marital life becomes worse. Sometime, the person may do two marriages.
Scorpio: Mangal is the owner of this zodiac. Therefore, there is no possibility of weak Mangal in this zodiac. If it gets then enemy and opponents become strong.
Sagittarius: Mangal controls the children and happiness in this zodiac. If it worse than it creates problem in child happiness. It blocks all parts of life.
Capricorn: Mangal gives any type of happiness in life. The wealth also relates to Mangal. If Mangal becomes worse then there is a problem in life.
Aquarius: Mangal has their career and employment. If Mangal is disturbed then the career is not stable. Sometimes, the person keeps changing career during entire life.
Pisces: Mangal controls their family happiness and fortune. The person does not succeed according to his own ability. Sometimes the person face kidney and urine problem.
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