Are you always late for office or job? here is astrology tips which will help you not to being late every time. As per the moon sign, here is horoscope wise astrology tips.
Horoscope Wise Astro Tips Not to Being Late Every-time
Aries: They are lazy due to their playful mind. They become lazy due to their weak Moon. In this case, you should sleep early at night.
Taurus: They are disciplined. They get late in very less situation. They should stick to their plans.
Gemini: They are moody. They do their work if they like it or they will postpone it. In this case, you should worship lord Hanuman.
Cancer: They are lazy. They reach to their work on time when it is necessary. In this case, you should offer water to the Sun.
Leo: They are hard working and disciplined. They never get late on their work. They get late when their health is not good or mind is stressful.
Virgo: They do more and precise work. Therefore, they do not get late and expect others to come on time. You should avoid giving pressure to others about time.
Libra: They are very lazy. They get late intentionally. They avoid doing work. In this case, you should worship lord Shani.
Scorpio: They do not want to get late. But they get late due to social responsibilities. In this case, you should worship lord Sun.
Sagittarius: They get late in some work and punctual in some work. They work on time in office and job. But they do laziness in home activities. In this case, you should using black color and worship lord Hanuman.
Capricorn: They work on time and also advice others to work on time. They are much disciplined. But do not give pressure to others.
Aquarius: They are very lazy and never change their habit. They work on time when it is necessary. In this case, you should avoid alcohol and sleeping late at night.
Pisces: They are very lazy in young age. However, they take responsibilities with increasing age. In this case, you should worship goddess Devi and use more yellow color.
Remedy: If you want stability in life then you should avoid wearing such shoes, which makes noise.
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