How Feng Shui (Chinese Vastu Shastra) helps to Solve Financial Problem
Due to god’s inspiration King Fu-si feels that the world’s map is made on the back of tortoise. On the strong back of tortoise the map is vision by which Pa-Kwa origin. It is indicator of human life’s eight sides. Following are the 8 parties. 1. fame 2. Marriage 3. Son 4. Consultation 5. Business 6. Knowledge 7. Family 8. Property
You can keep map of Pa-Kwa and decide different sides and how to make dynamic so that we can get positive energy.
fame area – Side- South, Element – Fire
If you want more respect in family, business, job or in society then you have to make dynamic south side of your home. To get positive energy and to make more effective you can do following remedies.
1. You can do red light at south side and increase the fame area at your home.
2. You can keep certificate, award and medals.
3. In fame area keeps round mirror.
4. You can also keep statesman, actor or businessman’s picture or picture with them to make it more dynamic.
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